Focus on the entire Test Center

FEVFLEX Test Center Management System boosts the Efficiency of everyday Testing

8. April 2017 | Software & Testing Solutions

At the start of this millennium, world famous futurologist and author John Naisbitt said, “We are drowning in information, but starved for knowledge.” In light of the explosion of information in testing facilities and the associated challenges faced by knowledge management, John Naisbitt’s statement is more relevant today than ever.

Today, efficient use of data is the key to being ready for the future. This is especially true in the efficient operation of testing facilities. In practice, it is important to do more than analyze and compare individual test series measurements from one test bench; you also need the ability to combine them with information from other test benches, simulations and vehicle measurements. In particular, the different origins of the data and the variety of data formats in which they come are major obstacles to having an efficient management system. It can be demanding and time-consuming to compare measurements from two test rigs, especially when you use different automation systems. In addition to the differing data formats, there are often discrepancies in how the test benches record information such as channel names, units and test objects.

Simple Integration

FEVFLEX now combines information from a wide range of sources. A key advantage is its freedom from file formats and descriptive information. FEVFLEX is integrated into the test center’s administration system as a central component, requiring minimal changes to existing systems. That makes integration into established testing facilities extremely cost-effective and simple.
FEVFLEX allows measurements to be processed in a highly user-friendly and efficient manner. Its primary benefit is its easy-to-use design with functions so intuitive that operators can work productively after only a 30-minute introduction. A full-text search capability provides users with the information they are looking for quickly and with no prior knowledge required.

Automated Import and Export

FEVFLEX allows the export of information and data to other databases or data systems to be completely automated. The system also automates time-consuming import tasks, such as converting data formats and units, standardizing channel names, and conducting plausibility checks and transport processes.
“Our durability testing center (DLP) in Brehna has more than 40 test rigs, currently producing around 75 gigabytes of data on a daily basis. Now, thanks to FEVFLEX, that information is stored in our own and external customer databases, fully and automatically”, says Kurt Zimmer, who is responsible for the test center management at FEV’s DLP. “We have succeeded in meeting the goal of storing measurement data in the customer’s database half an hour after it was produced.”

Open System with Multiple Interfaces

Thanks to the open system used by FEVFLEX, customers can specify and automate their own tasks. FEVFLEX works independently of any hardware and runs on virtual machines in central, existing IT resources. FEVFLEX makes extremely efficient use of those IT resources through its auto-balancing methods. In combination with the FEVALYS data evaluation tool, the system can also perform fully-automated calculations and generate visual reports from a centralized location. Summarizing the benefits, Zimmer says, “Forcing an engineer to wait at his computer until all the data has been evaluated locally and a report is written is now a thing of the past.” What’s more: FEVFLEX can link up with external business intelligence solutions like ERP or MES software. There, it serves as an interpreter of measurement data in order to supply billing-related information to ERP systems, for example.

>> FEVFLEX allows the export and import of information and data to be completely automated

Waben Grafik
